Blogg Hälsa

Ben Coomber Radio

Hello there in the sunshine!

It is spring and love is all around.. Right?

But do you ever feel like you are not enough? That no matter how hard you try, those abs won’t show? Or the dress doesn’t fit like it does on the model?

Well, you are not alone. We are millions of people who feel that, and some even more. I go through times of depression and self loathing. And sometimes i bounce back real easy and sometimes I need help. I have my good friend Ingela who works with CBT (KBT in Swedish) and she provides me with a lot of tools when I feel low. Or other times I have had long talks over Skype with my friend and mentor JP Sears.

I listen to a lot of podcasts when I take my walks with Larissa. And one of my favorite shows is Ben Coomber Radio. Well, yesterday I listen to this awesome podcast about depression,


Depression gets the better of many people, in this show we explore the root causes of shifts in your mental health and answer many questions you will have. I talk to Will Barton a personal trainer from Manchester who was a past sufferer of depression, and contextualize his story with the scientific basis with the help of Gary Turner. We talk about why, the initial anxiety people experience, the pressure we put on ourselves that leads to a negative mindset, how this becomes a catch 22 scenario, and strategies to resolve this pattern.

Check out Gary’s work at www.garyturner.co.uk

I did an interview with Ben Coomber a while ago for my own podcast and youtube channel. Check out the video and podcast below.

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